N5249A PNA-X 微波网络分析仪,8.5 GHz

单源, 双源
3.5 mm 连接器
Keysight N5249A 是一款高性能矢量网络分析仪 (VNA),专为研究、开发和制造环境中的高级射频和微波测量而设计。 以下是 N5249A 的一些主要特性:
- 频率范围: N5249A 覆盖较宽的频率范围(通常为 10 MHz 至 8.5 GHz),可在广泛的射频和微波频率范围内对设备进行表征。
- 多端口功能: 它支持多端口配置,允许在多个通道或设备上同时进行测量。 此功能对于测试复杂的系统和组件(例如相控阵天线和多通道射频模块)至关重要。
- 高动态范围: N5249A 提供出色的动态范围,即使对于微弱信号或幅度或相位的微小变化也能提供准确的测量。
- 灵活的测量模式: 支持多种测量模式,包括S参数测量(S11、S21、S12、S22)、阻抗测量和时域分析,为表征不同类型的设备和系统提供了多功能性 。
- 高级校准: VNA 具有高级校准选项,包括完整的两端口校准和高级校准算法,以确保测量精度并补偿系统误差。
- 直观的用户界面: N5249A 配备了具有图形显示功能的用户友好界面,使工程师可以轻松设置测量、可视化结果并高效分析数据。
- 自动化和连接性: 它支持通过 SCPI 命令实现自动化,并提供多种连接选项,包括 LAN(以太网)、USB 和 GPIB (IEEE-488),用于无缝集成到自动化测试系统以及将数据传输到外部 设备。
- 可选软件包:是德科技为特定应用提供可选软件包,例如高级测量、非线性器件表征和信号完整性分析,增强了 N5249A 的功能,可满足专门的测试需求。
总体而言,Keysight N5249A 是一款功能强大的多功能 VNA,适用于各种射频和微波测试应用,从高频组件和系统的基础研究和开发到生产测试和验证。
代码 | 描述 | 其他 |
测试装置和功率选项 |
200 | 2-port standard test set and power range | |
H85/285 | High-power configurable and extended power range |
219 | Extended power range and bias-tees | |
224 | and mechanical switches to 2-port analyzer | |
400 | 4-port standard test set, power range and an internal second source | |
H85/485 | High-power configurable and extended power range | |
419 | Extended power range and bias-tees | |
423 | Add an internal combiner and mechanical switches to 4-port analyzer | |
应用软件选件 |
007 | Automatic fixture removal | |
010 | Time-domain measurements | |
015 | Dynamic uncertainty for S-parameter measurements | Displays the measurement uncertainty dynamically (real-time) on the measurement trace. Not available with N5231A,32A and 39A |
028 | Noise figure measurements using standard receivers | Requires Option 080. For measuring frequency converters, requires Option 082 or 083. Not available with N522xA-200, -210, -400 and -410 |
029 | Fully-corrected noise figure measurements | Requires Option 080 and for N5241/42/49A, one of Options 219, 224, 419, 423 or H85. For N5244/45/47A, requires Option 224 or 423. On N5247A, noise receivers work up to 50 GHz only. For measuring frequency converters, requires Option 082 or 083 |
频率转换测量选件 |
080 | Frequency offset | |
082 | Scalar-calibrated converter measurements | Requires Option 080 |
083 | Vector- and scalar-calibrated converter measurements | Requires Option 080 |
084 | Embedded LO measurements | Requires Option 082 or Option 083. Also works with Options 028, 029, 086 and 087 |
086 | Gain compression application | For measuring frequency converters, requires Option 082 or 083 |
087 | Intermodulation distortion application | Requires Option 080 For measuring frequency converters, requires Option 082 or 083. Not available with N522xA-200, -210, -400 and -410 |
088 | Source phase control | Not available with N522xA-200 and -210 |
频谱分析仪选件 |
089 | Differential and I/Q devices application | Requires Option 080 and 400, 401, 410, 417, or 419, and Windows 7 OS |
090 | Spectrum analyzer | Requires Option 080, Windows 7 OS, and DSP version 58 . Test set and power configuration option with receiver attenuators is recommended |
093 | Extended spectrum analyzer to 110 GHz | Requires Option 090. Not available with N5241/49A or N5221A |
094 | Extended spectrum analyzer above 110 GHz | Requires Option 090. Not available with N5241/49A or N5221A |
460 | Integrated true-mode stimulus application | Requires one of Options 400, 401, 410, 417, 419 or 423 |
551 | N-port capabilities | Not available with N522xA-200, -210, -400 and -410, and N523xA-200 and -400 |
脉冲测量选件 |
008 | Pulsed-RF measurements | Requires Option 025 |
020 | Add IF inputs | |
021 | Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source | |
022 | Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source | Requires one of Option 224, 400, 401, 417, 419, or 423 |
025 | Add four internal pulse generators | |
118 | Fast CW sweep | |
非线性表征选件 |
510 | Nonlinear component characterization | Requires Options 419 and 080, or 400, H85 and 080 |
511 | Nonlinear component characterization | Export-control version. Requires Options 419 and 080, or 400, H85, and 080 |
514 | Nonlinear X-parameters | Requires Options 423 and 510 or 511, requires MXG or PSG except 10 MHz tone-spacing |
518 | Nonlinear pulse envelope domain | Requires Options 021, 025 and 510 or 511 |
520 | Arbitrary load-inpedance X-parameters | Requires Option 514, requires MXG or PSG except 10 MHz tone-spacing |