N9952B FieldFox 手持微波分析仪,50 GHz

N9952B FieldFox 手持微波分析仪,50 GHz N9952B FieldFox 手持微波分析仪,50 GHz N9952B FieldFox 手持微波分析仪,50 GHz N9952B FieldFox 手持微波分析仪,50 GHz
2.4 mm 连接器

Keysight N9952B 是一款多功能手持式微波分析仪,工作频率范围为 300 kHz 至 50 GHz。 它专为处理各种任务而设计,适合苛刻环境下的现场使用。 以下是 N9952B 的一些主要特性和功能:

1.多功能功能:N9952B 可用作电缆和天线分析仪、频谱分析仪和矢量网络分析仪 (VNA)。 这使其成为满足现场各种测试和测量需求的综合工具。


  • 电缆和天线分析:包括故障点距离 (DTF)、回波损耗和 1 端口电缆损耗等测量。
  • 频谱分析:提供实时频谱分析,最大分析带宽为 120 MHz,有助于捕获难以捉摸的信号。
  • 矢量网络分析:同时测量所有四个 S 参数,前提是启用了网络分析仪的选项。

3.便携性和耐用性:N9952B 重量仅为 3.4 千克(7.4 磅),携带非常轻便,专为承受恶劣的现场条件而设计。 其坚固耐用的设计确保其能够应对严酷的现场测试和维护。


  • 地理位置和时间戳:配备 GPS/GNSS 功能,可实现精确的位置标记和测量时间戳。
  • 软件可配置性:用户可以添加各种软件选项,根据特定的测量需求定制设备。 这包括内置功率计和矢量电压表等功能【6†来源】

5.校准和即用型选项:该设备包括各种校准选项,例如 CalReady 和 OSL(开路、短路、负载)校准。 然而,一些高级测量,例如 2 端口插入损耗,需要额外的选项。

这种功能组合使 Keysight N9952B 成为参与微波和射频系统维护和故障排除的工程师和技术人员的强大工具。 其灵活性和坚固性确保其满足各种现场应用中的日常维护和深入故障排除的需求。

代码 描述


010 VNA time domain
210 VNA transmission/reflection
211 VNA full 2-port S-parameters
212 1-port mixed-mode S-parameters
215 TDR cable measurements
Base Cable and antenna analyzer
308 Vector voltmeter
320 Reflection meas. (RL, VSWR and scalar meas.)


209 Extended range transmission analysis (ERTA)
220 Tracking generator
233 Spectrum analyzer
235 Pre-amplifier
236 Interference analyzer and spectrogram
238 Spectrum analyzer time gating
312 Channel scanner
350 Real-time spectrum analyzer (RTSA)
351 I/Q analyzer (IQA)
352 Indoor and outdoor mapping
353 IQ streaming
355 Analog demodulation
356 Noise figure (NF)
358 EMF measurements
360 Phased array antenna support
361 EMI measurements
366 Interference finder (manual mode)
370 Over-the-air (OTA) LTE FDD
371 Over-the-air (OTA) LTE TDD
378 Over-the-air (OTA) 5G NR
390 Directional finding – TDOA node support
B04 Analysis bandwidth, 40 MHz 5
B10 Analysis bandwidth, 120 MHz 5


208 USB power sensor meas. versus frequency
302 USB power sensor support
310 Built-in power meter
330 Pulse meas. with USB peak power sensor


30 Remote control capability
307 GPS receiver
309 DC bias variable-voltage source
Frequency extender support 6


89601B PathWave VSA (89600 VSA) software
N6820ES Surveyor 4D software
S9910A Keysight Spectrum Management (KSMS)
  1. Base model functionality listed is the primary function of that instrument. For example, on the N991xB,C/5xB combo analyzers, cable and antenna analyzer is the standard function included with every N991xB,C/5xB.
  2. Cable and antenna analyzer is not available on the N993xB,C/6xB. A subset of measurements, return loss and VSWR, is available as Option 320.
  3. Option 320 is not applicable to N991xB,C/5xB. The N991xB,C/5xB includes reflection measurements of return loss and VSWR as standard functions.
  4. On the N991xB,C/5xB analyzers, order Options 233 and 210 to obtain a tracking generator with the spectrum analyzer. There is no Option 220 on the N991xB,C/5xB analyzers. Option 233 provides the spectrum analyzer capability and Option 210 the “tracking” capability.
  5. 10 MHz standard.
  6. Models N9913/33B,C, N9914/34B,C and N9915/35B,C do not support frequency extenders. This is because the mixers’ starting LO frequency is higher than 10 GHz and the FieldFox Port 1 provides the LO to the mixer. For a list of supported OML frequency extenders, see Accessories pages 19-2



