UXR0404B Infiniium UXR 系列示波器:40 GHz,4 通道,1.85 mm 输入

UXR0404B Infiniium UXR 系列示波器:40 GHz,4 通道,1.85 mm 输入
1.85 mm 连接器
二手仪器, 全新机

Keysight UXR0404B Infiniium UXR 系列示波器:40 GHz,4 通道,1.85 mm 输入,是是德科技高性能示波器系列的一部分,旨在满足航空航天、国防、通信和研究等行业工程师的苛刻需求。 该示波器提供先进的功能,包括超宽带宽、高采样率和深存储器,使工程师能够以卓越的保真度和精度捕获和分析信号。

Keysight UXR0404B 示波器的一些主要特性包括:

  • 40 GHz 带宽,可升级至 110 GHz 实时示波器带宽
  • 每通道 500 Mpts 存储器深度,可升级至每通道 2 Gpts
  • 所有通道都提供 256 GSa/s 采样率
  • 160 MHz DDC,可升级至 2.16 GHz DDC
  • 160 MHz RTSA,可升级至 320 MHz RTSA
  • 可选灵活配置的毫米波扩展带宽高达 30 GHz
  • 高分辨率 10 位模数转换器(ADC)
  • 更低的本底噪声和测量本底抖动
  • 在所有支持的带宽下,都能达到较高的等效位数(ENOB)
  • 可选校准模块 N2126A 让您可以在现场自行校准
  • 包括高速 SDA 和时钟恢复功能
  • 包括用户自定义功能
  • 包括 InfiniiSim Basic,它可以使用一个模块模型简便地补偿通道损耗
  • 包括 PrecisionProbe/PrecisionCable,有助于快速表征探头或电缆损耗

总体而言,Keysight UXR0404B 示波器 非常适合需要高性能仪器在尖端技术领域进行信号分析、表征和验证的工程师和研究人员。

代码 描述

Protocol software description

D9010AUTP Automotive protocol decode/trigger software (CAN, LIN, CAN-FD, FlexRay …)
D9020AUTP High speed automotive protocol decode/trigger software (100/1000BASE-T1)
D9010EKRP 10G/100GBASE-KR 64b/66b and link training decode/trigger software
D9010EMBP Embedded protocol decode/trigger software (USB2.0, 10/100 ETH, PCIe 2/1 …)
D9010LSSP Low speed protocol decode/trigger software (I2C, SPI, RS232, I2S, JTAG …)
D9010MCDP MIPI CSI and DSI protocol decode/trigger software (C-PHY and D-PHY)
D9010MILP Military protocol decode/trigger software (ARINC 429, MIL-STD 1553, SpaceWire)
D9010MPLP Low speed MIPI protocol decode/trigger software (RFFE, I3C, SPMI)
D9010MPMP MIPI M-PHY protocol decode/trigger software (DigRF,LLI,CSI-3,UniPro,UFS,SSIC)
D9010PCIP Advanced PCIe protocol decode/trigger software (PCIe 6/5/4/3/2/1, SATA/SAS)
D9010USBP USB4v2, USB4, USB 3.x protocol decode/trigger software (USB 3.1 – 5 and 10 Gbps)
D9020FECP FEC (KP4) 400GE (100G Optical Lane) Decode/Trigger Software
D9011BDLP Basic Infiniium Protocol Trigger/Decode Bundle for Infiniium Oscilloscopes
D9020BDLP Complete Infiniium Protocol Trigger/Decode Bundle for Infiniium Oscilloscopes

Measurement and analysis software description

D9020PAMA Pulse amplitude modulation PAM-N analysis software
D9010POWA Power integrity analysis software
D9010UDAA User defined application software
D9020JITA EZJIT complete – Jitter and vertical noise analysis software (recommended)
D9020SCNA InfiniiScan event identification software (recommended)
D9020ASIA Advanced signal integrity software (EQ, InfiiniSimAdv, Crosstalk) (recommended)
D9020WSAA Wideband signal analysis extended package (required DDC option 602 for 320MHz RTSA)

Oscilloscope Memory

UXR0001-01G 1 Gpts per channel high performance memory
UXR0001-02G 2 Gpts per channel high performance memory

Add Optional Frequency Extensions

UXR0000-605 5 GHz configurable mmWave extension bandwidth window1
UXR0000-610 10 GHz configurable mmWave extension bandwidth window1
UXR0000-620 20 GHz configurable mmWave extension bandwidth window1
UXR0000-630 30 GHz configurable mmWave extension bandwidth window1
UXR0000-682 5 GHz configurable mmWave extension bandwidth window1 – (maximum frequency range limited 82 GHz)

Add Optional Digital Down Conversion

UXR0000-602 Hardware accelerated DDC for UXR-Series, 2.16 GHz analysis BW



